Syringa Elementary School Bus Arrival & Start Times
- Morning
SY-Morning Bus Arrival
Bus Arrival 7:55am
- Morning
SY-Morning Bell
Bell 8:25am
- Afternoon
SY-Afternoon Bus Arrival
Bus Arrival 2:40pm
- Afternoon
SY-Afternoon Bell
Bell 2:45pm
- Afternoon
SY-Afternoon Bus Departs
Bus Departs 2:52pm
- Afternoon
SY-Afternoon Bus Arrival 1 Hr Early Release
1 Hour Early Release Bus Arrival 1:40pm
- Afternoon
SY-Afternoon Bell 1 Hr Early Release
1 Hour Early Release Bell 1:45pm
Syringa Bell Schedule
Event | Time |
Breakfast | 8:00am |
First Bell Rings | 8:25am |
Tardy Bell Rings | 8:30am |
Fourth Grade Lunch | 11:30 - 12:10pm |
Second Grade Lunch | 11:35 - 12:15pm |
Kindergarten Lunch | 11:45 - 12:00pm |
Third Grade Lunch | 11:50 - 12:30pm |
First Grade Lunch | 11:55 - 12:35pm |
Fifth Grade Lunch | 12:00 - 12:40pm |
Second and Fourth Grade Recess | 1:30 - 1:40pm |
Third Grade Recess | 1:40 - 1:50pm |
First and Fifth Grade Recess | 1:50 - 2:00pm |
School Dismissal | 2:45pm |
Monday Dismissal | 1:45pm |